Movement Lab Sessions, online, 11 Jan – 22 March 2021, 10 weeks

Movement Lab is a weekly online movement course which offers you the opportunity to explore and develop a question or creative project of your choice over several weeks or months until the agreed date of its completion.You might come with a clear idea of what you want to do (film, piece of writing, installation, performance, workshop, research, self-development, etc. ) or have no idea at all and let it unfold over time. You will have the opportunity to try out ideas with your peers and be supported by them in the development of your own process. You will be able to do the same in return and this will enrich and broaden your own process.The practice of awareness through movement will be used as the main tool for developing your project and thinking. I will guide this process in class through tailored movement exploration according to what is needed to each person’s process and the group dynamic. You will also be encouraged to engage and reflect on your relationship to movement, not just in class, but also in your daily life and use this as a source of inspiration for your project.I will guide the overall process of the lab sessions and I will also encourage participants to contribute to it.A minimal commitment of 8 classes is necessary to enrol if you have the intention of developing a creative project.If you do not wish to commit to a creative project you can still attend as a drop-in to experience and support the creative process of others. Drop-ins need to have attended my movement classes or have some experience of moving and creating in this way in other contexts.

Every Monday evening 5-7pm
£70 for 10 classes / £8 drop-in