Would you like to feel connected to your body when not on the dance floor?  

Would you like to nurture mindfulness beyond sitting meditation?
Would you like to find new ways to move?

If any of these strikes a chord, then this course is for you!

The classes strive to bridge the gap between sitting meditation, dancing and everyday movement by bringing the awareness of meditation and the embodiment of dancing into our everyday movements. We will look at how to unlock the potential of our constricted bodies by becoming more aware of the patterns they are shaped by, while reconnecting with the innate ability to move we had as children.

In the classes I will guide you to tune in to what you feel in your own body, to listen to its sensations and to let them guide your own movement. By developing more awareness of how your body moves and what its patterns are you will be able to open the doors of its untapped potential and let it speak. Eventually the mind will take the back seat and the body will lead the way. The aim is to develop your own movement vocabulary and expression in a way that fits the uniqueness of your own physicality and ability. 

Purposefully, music is not used for this class so that we can learn to focus on how we moved without extra stimuli. I will teach you instead to develop your sensory awareness and to move with the environment and the things that are within the environment as if they were your dancing partners. Instead of music, you will discover that sounds, colours, shapes, light, movements, and many others things can guide your movement. 

The classes are open to all ages and abilities and no previous experience is required. The only thing that is needed for these classes is an open and curious mind and a willingness to explore the unknown.

What to expect:

  • Explore new and unexpected ways to move your body 
  • Explore the art of improvising and of moving your body with full presence
  • Respond in movement to simple movement invitations and scores
  • Develop a heightened sense of awareness and of your senses when moving
  • Become more aware of how the environment influences your movement
  • Be witnessed and witness others when moving
  • Self-reflect and share in pairs and in groups about your experience
  • Be held in a supportive non-judgemental learning space
Every Thursday evening, for the most recent dates and to book go to dandelion website.